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    All health care providers listed on Intclinics
    have met our strict quality assurance criteria.

    How it works

    How it works

    Not sure where to start? Follow these simple steps to arrange your treatment

    • 01

      Find the clinic that meets your needs

      Personalize your search with filters by selecting the country or department that meets your needs. You can even filter by services provided by clinics.

    • 02

      Send an appointment request

      View a clinic’s profile to learn about their medical services, staff, extra services, reviews and more. When you choose a clinic, complete its appointment form to inform the clinic about your medical condition or the treatment you desire.

    • 03

      Once you book an appointment, you should receive an offer within two business days. If you have any questions about your journey, remember that your clinic is only a message away. They can also offer local tips and advice.


    International Accreditations


    Healthcare providers listed on our platform have international accreditations and certifications, which assess their compliance with international standards.